8 Effective Edtech Marketing Strategies to Drive Growth

As more and more people use technology to learn, the EdTech industry is growing. There are an amazing number of websites, apps, and businesses being built every day. If you’re looking for ways to promote your business online in this area, this article will show you the different channels that can help grow your business quickly and effectively.

Digital marketing is one of the most important things that EdTech businesses need to do. In addition to having a lot of different goals for their digital marketing campaigns, EdTech companies can use a lot of different digital platforms.

What Is an Edtech Marketing Strategy?

It is important to have an edtech marketing plan so that you can reach your perfect customer, which should include teachers, organizations, students, and other important people.

A digital marketing plan for education technology that works needs to include stories with a purpose. It needs to show how these tools make teaching and learning better while also being flexible enough to meet the educational sector’s ever-changing needs.

The strategy adapts to new ways of teaching, and students need to make sure that the marketing is just as up-to-date and useful as the technology it stands for.

#1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Edtech businesses can go up the search results page with SEO. For instance, effective keyword research is the first step in determining the words your audience searches for in terms of edtech providers.

Search Engine Optimization

These keywords will guide your on-page SEO; thus, be sure to carefully create the content of your website, including the headers, text, meta tags, and URLs—all of which should include the targeted keywords. Search engines find it easier to determine how relevant your website is to such terms and rank it appropriately when you design it with purpose.

You should test out several advertising methods, landing sites, sales techniques, and sophisticated tools like location and profile tracking so you can choose the perfect one for you. Another way EdTech businesses may reach more people is through screen advertisements.

#2. PPC Marketing

Any search strategy should make extensive use of Google Ads pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Businesses can reach their target market by using terms in their advertising, like “education startups” and “online learning.”

PPC Marketing

Test several ads, landing sites, sales techniques, and advanced tools like location and profile tracking to find the best one for you. Another way EdTech businesses may reach more people is through screen advertising.

Monitoring PPC conversions

After the marketing efforts are launched, it’s critical to closely monitor them. EdTech companies must specify precise objectives and metrics for gauging their sponsored search traffic.

Analyze the information to determine which keywords, advertisements, and landing pages work best. Make choices to remove marketing components that aren’t producing the best outcomes.

#3. Freemium Learning Marketing Strategy

Freebies are always appreciated by people, and an EdTech startup’s target market is no exception. Offering a freemium model is one of the most popular and effective marketing techniques for ed-tech businesses, after identifying their target market. The best compromise between rising user acquisition expenses and offering items to new customers is achieved via a freemium business model.

Freemium Learning

By giving them a taste of what they will be missing out on if they stick with the free version of the service, the switch to a premium user makes the product more enticing to them and lessens their resistance to adoption. Freemium business models, so promote user registration. The business can employ analytics to look at user behavior and determine the fastest routes to conversion in the interim.

#4. Create a Sales Team for Your Edtech Business

There are many different needs and wants that each potential client has. One example is that ed-tech companies can’t use the same pitch to persuade everyone. There is a lot of work that goes into building a sales team so that they can improve contact at every stage of the sales process and give a lot of people personalized experiences.

People who work in sales should really understand both the item and the people they want to buy it from. They should also be able to talk to people and make deals. This is why it’s important to set sales goals and help and train the sales team all the time.

#5. Social Media Marketing for Edtech

These days, everyone congregates on social media! Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other major platforms are therefore essential for engaging your audience for EdTech firms. Let’s examine how the education sector may get the most from it.

Establishing Branded Accounts

Establishing Branded Accounts

To get more attention, make a few business or brand accounts. Writing clever bios with links to your website and related tweets is a great way to show off how unique you are. Just so people know how to get in touch with you, when you make an Instagram account for your business, don’t forget to include your email address and phone number.

Using Videos to Engage Audiences

Create an editorial schedule to offer valuable text, video, and image pieces to your audience on a regular basis. This is how EdTech startups approach the market. Distribute articles that offer career guidance, study encouragement, and learning ideas.

Videos to Engage Audiences

Upload movies to social media to promote something. Visits to the search page have gone up by 157% because movies are fun and useful.

Video marketing can help people learn about your business, improve your SEO, increase conversion rates, and give you more ways to find content in the EdTech field. It could help you get EdTech pros on board with your digital marketing plan and make more money.

Running Campaigns

People will be more interested in your ideas if they can buy something from you. Giving things away, challenges, and games go very quickly. Use events that give money to students who say what they want to study and tag friends. People will talk about your business if you ask them to describe how your platform has helped them reach their goals.

#6. Email marketing strategy for EdTech

One of the most crucial marketing tactics for EdTech companies is email relationship building with potential clients. Let’s have a look at some advice for launching an email list for an EdTech company!

Use lead magnets to attract subscribers

lead magnets to attract subscribers

EdTech businesses can boost email sign-ups by providing free educational content to prospective clients. They can be hooked by resources like tutorials, cheat sheets for a challenging topic, and free trials. With the aid of these lead-generating incentives, the business will be able to gather email addresses for upcoming correspondence and build relationships with people who have similar interests.

Send personalized emails

The secret to making every email delivered a hope for relationship building rather than merely a course sale is personalization. Call the recipients by name, and make sure the body of the email addresses the reader’s interest in a clear, succinct manner.

Send personalized emails

Let them know about lessons, deals, or new app features. Remember not to text too many people who haven’t asked for them. You can choose when to send emails so that fewer people choose not to receive them.

Send people emails over time to get them excited again.

Email drip campaigns send a number of emails automatically to people who haven’t done anything in a while to get them to do it again. Firms that work with EdTech often send out three or four emails at the same time.

Customers are told about any changes to the course and reminded of classes they haven’t finished. They are also given reasons to renew. The goal is to keep more people by getting their attention in a way that doesn’t feel like advertising.

#7. Referral program for Edtech

Preply’s recommendation program rules are easy to understand: once a student logs in, they can get their referral link from their referral program page and join the program. As soon as they have it, they can share their private link with family and friends.

Referral program for Edtech

What are the pros of the Preply recommendation program?

  • 70% off the trial lesson for the suggested student.
  • Once the friend who was invited confirms their lesson, the person who sent them gets $30 that they can use on their next purchase. The discount is given right away when you check out.

#8. Strategic Partnerships

Work together with well-known groups or schools to reach more people and improve your image.

Strategic Partnerships

What to do:

  • Look into and pick possible partners, like companies, trade groups, or study centers.
  • Write a value statement that tells people why they should choose your ed-tech company. Talk about what they’re interested in.
  • Talk to people you might work with about projects you can do together that will benefit both of you. One thing you could do with them is help them make learning tools or add your platform to their program.
  • Being clear about what is expected of each person will help the friendship work for everyone.

Case study

Coursera has important partnerships with well-known schools and groups all over the world. You should go to this online school. Coursera became known and drew students looking for a safe way to learn by working with well-known schools like the University of Pennsylvania.

They made a deal with the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania to give the “Introduction to Marketing” course, which worked out great. The course was taken by more than 100,000 people, and it was taught very well by well-known teachers. Coursera was able to reach more people, solidify their place as the leader in online education, and add more courses to their catalog thanks to these partnerships.

You could form a number of strategic relationships that would help your business sell itself in different ways. It’s something to think about in more detail. If you had more ads than just on Facebook and Google, you might get more customers. As your business grew, how stable and in charge would things be?


If you want the EdTech business to grow, you need to use good marketing ideas. You can use these eight tips to help your EdTech company get a lot more attention, connect with people, and make sales. First, keep people coming back by giving them great, useful material. Moreover, this will establish your company as an authority in education. SEO best practices will make it easy for people who want to read educational material to find yours.

You can market on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. These sites help people connect with and talk to each other. Paid ads get your goods in front of the right people because they are aimed at specific groups and appear right away. This can be seen in pay-per-click (PPC) ads and ads on social media sites. Email marketing is still a great way to stay in touch with leads and buyers. It can help you reach more people and build trust in your brand by working with big names and experts in your area.

Utilizing data analytics also allows you to monitor the progress of your strategies and select the optimal one. Give out your products for free to increase attention and sales. Eight different marketing plans for EdTech businesses to get more people to know about their brand, speed up growth, and make the plans more flexible. Long term, if you want to do well in EdTech, you will need to keep learning and know about the latest changes.