Digital Marketing Strategies For Artists

Even as creative types, artists can get stuck in a rut with their art marketing. Coming up with new ideas to captivate your art customers can be a big challenge. You know that using the same techniques day in and day out can become monotonous amidst your fans’ daily bombardment of marketing messages, but what will make you stand out? Unleash your creative energy and help your art business rise above the rest with these art marketing ideas that your fans will love. We have all the tips and tricks to help you learn how to promote yourself as an artist. Let’s dive in!

  • Digital Marketing is an inexpensive and effective way for artists to showcase, promote and sell their artwork and reach new audiences.
  • Artists use many social channels to promote their art including Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and SnapChat.
  • If you’re a painter, photographer, writer, playwright, musician, fashion designer or other artistic field social media is ideal to feature your art.

Make an Amazing Online Portfolio

  • Building an online art portfolio is a crucial first step in marketing your art.
  • It’s important to have a place where you can direct people to see some of your work.
  • Since your portfolio often serves as your first impression, it’s important to put some thought into it.
  • Making your portfolio shine can take your art marketing to the next level!

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Use a Time-Saving Website Builder

  • Save yourself some time and go with an online portfolio platform; you can build your site within minutes!
  • Choose one that gives you a free trial, so you can see if it’s the right fit for your needs.
  • Choose a layout and theme that are attractive and easy to navigate.

Start a Blog

  • Blog is a great way to promote your personal brand, to sell your art and to offer customer service.
  • There is no better place to connect with a potential customer then on your blog.
  • The easiest way for people to discover your website is to start a blog.
  • Write about things artists care about or what someone in need of an artist would search for in Google. The key is to make your blog about them, not you.

Join a Social Media Network

  • Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are the fastest ways to build brand recognition for you and your art business.
  • A strong brand is invaluable and serves to communicate credibility to your prospective customers, peers and business associates.
  • Get instant feedback on your latest painting, drive thousands of visitors to your blog.
  • Ask for a critique on your art, gain inspiration, or try selling a painting off of Facebook.

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Ace Your Artist Statement and About Me Page

  • Make sure to add your artist statement to your website.
  • An artist statement describes how you work and what your art means: learning how to write an artist statement is another important aspect of art marketing.
  • You’ll need it to submit your work to art competitions, and to provide to any media writing about your art.
  • The About Me section on your portfolio is a good place to put it. Make sure to fill out the rest of your About Me page with engaging content about yourself and your practice.

Create Your Own Videos

  • YouTube ranks #2 for search engines right after Google.
  • Videos are another great way of sharing online content.
  • Videos are also a nice break from the usual blog post.
  • It’s easy to upload your video to YouTube and then embed it on your website. Your site will benefit from all the traffic YouTube already gets.
  • Make videos that are geared toward your audience. For example, if you’re a watercolor painter, show others how to master a particular technique.

Submit Your Blog Posts to Article Directories

  • Article directories are websites that allow people to submit their articles based on a specific niche for free.
  • Just like the other methods explained above, submitting your post to article directories increases your credibility as an expert in the art community, and in turn will drive customers back to your website.
  • eHow and Ezine Articles are some of the largest, and most respected online article directories.

Make Comments on Other Art Blogs

  • Commenting on other blogs within your own art niche or even blogs you enjoy is another great way to build a network.
  • When you make a comment on another blog, most likely you will get a reply and eventually these grateful bloggers will visit your site and comment.
  • Follow the top blogs and just make sure to leave an interesting comment that is worth reading and debating.
  • Most often, you can add links to your own site within the comment. One idea is to link back to a relevant post on your blog. This will help capture the attention of other readers as well.

Join and Participate on Online Forums

  • Join your favorite art-related forums and become an active member of their online community.
  • You just have to find the ones that line up with your expertise.
  • This is another great way to prove yourself as an expert, and once again drive traffic back to your website.

Distribute Newsletter

  • Newsletters are an efficient marketing channel that allow you to reach many art lovers and clients all at once.
  • Choose a relevant and interesting topic for your readers.
  • Specify a benefit for your readers in the subject line.
  • Address your readers as personally as possible.
  • Include links to further information.

Live videos

  • Live videos are gaining more popularity these days.
  • Facebook live video streaming is extremely easy and effective.
  • As soon as you start going living Facebook sends your fans notifications.
  • Since you are going to provide valuable video, people would love it for sure.
  • Create a stunning image post with thought-provoking content in it and share them on social media.
  • You can share everything from you store images to a selfie with your latest buyer. Everything sells and markets.

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Marketing is trial and error process. Nothing is wrong with trying new ways of marketing. Online marketing helps you to reach more people in very short time with insights. Follow these tips and dig in deeper as per your results. Plan, execute, examine and repeat.