Creating a Social Media Marketing Strategy to Boost Online Presence

Social media is an effective digital marketing tool because it allows you to connect and engage with your target audience wherever they are. Every day, users spend hours on the social media sites of their choice. More importantly, they use these platforms to find new brands and products.

The main reason people use social networks like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others is to stay in touch with family and friends. However, 25% of users actively look for new goods on these networks. Because of this, it is very good for your business to interact with these possible customers on the social media sites they like.

This long guide will teach you all that you need to know about the most well-known social networks for social planning and marketing. In this area of marketing that is becoming more and more important, there are also tools that go into great detail about certain things.

Introducing social media marketing and management

Social media marketing refers to the use of social media platforms to advertise your company’s products or services. To engage with your target audience, you may use LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or even X. There isn’t a single approach to social media marketing, though. For some businesses, social media marketing entails planning and executing a strategic product launch through social media posts.

For others, it entails consistent communication through messages and comments or well-produced content that embodies the brand’s values and narrative. Using social media management and marketing, you can not only build active communities and raise public awareness of your brand, but you can also improve customer service, learn more about people’s opinions of your business, and eventually increase conversions.

The Overview of a Social Media Marketing Strategy

A social media strategy is a written plan that outlines your objectives on social media, the methods you’ll take to reach them, and the metrics you’ll monitor to assess your success. In your social media marketing strategy, include a list of all of your current and future social media accounts, as well as objectives specific to each platform you use.

The internet marketing plan for your business should be in line with these goals. In the end, a good social media strategy should spell out when you will report and what each team member’s part and responsibility will be.

The importance of creating a social media plan

For what reason is social media marketing so crucial? How do you create a social media marketing plan that will benefit your company?

There are several justifications for using social media marketing in your business. We’ve compiled a list of the most advantageous factors. Now let’s get started.

Boost your brand awareness

If you don’t have a presence on social media, you’re missing out on the opportunity to reach thousands, if not millions, of people due to the sheer volume of users.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Research has demonstrated that social media can enhance brand awareness by promoting engagement through actions such as liking, commenting, sharing, reposting, and saving content.

Because it drives visitors directly to your website, it also helps to raise brand awareness. You can accomplish this by adding links in your posts, bio, and profile that point to your website and other offers.

Boost conversions and generate leads

Sharing and promoting your products on social media is an easy way to increase lead generation, conversions, and sales because you’re reaching out to users who have chosen to follow your account and interact with you.

Boost conversions and generate leads

Here are some examples of how to use social media to boost lead generation.

  • Create competitions on your social media profiles so that visitors and followers can enter.
  • In the bio sections of your profiles, provide links to your website and offers.
  • Host live videos to announce new products and provide updates or details about exciting news at your company.
  • Start a program for marketing on one of your social media sites.
  • Spread the word about your products on social media sites. You can set up the shopping option on Instagram or the shop section on Facebook, for example. Customers and people who follow your blog can now click on the goods you’ve mentioned in posts to find out more about them, like how much they cost, what they’re made of, and what size they are. It will then be easy for customers to buy the thing directly from you through the platform’s checkout process.

Build relationships with your clients

You can build long-lasting connections with the people who follow you on social media by talking to them and connecting with them. In order to do this, you can connect with them on your posts by responding to their questions and comments and offering to help them if they need it.

To gain their trust and demonstrate your appreciation for their support and feedback, you can use giveaways or ask them questions about your products and their problems.

Notice your competitors

You can keep an eye on your competitors on social media by seeing how they use it, what they’re posting, what campaigns they’re running, or how much their followers connect with them.

Notice your competitors

On social media, you can see what your competitors are doing that is working and what isn’t. This can help you decide what parts of your business plan should change and what parts should stay the same.

Lastly, you can make sure that your marketing is unique and stands out from the rest by checking out your competitors’ social media pages.

Steps to Follow to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Now that we know what a social media marketing strategy is, let’s explore the actions your company can take right now to effectively utilize social media:

1. Create your social media marketing goals

Determine and specify the goals you have for your social media strategy plan. This will depend on your business, your target market, and your marketing plan as a whole.

Create your social media marketing goals

The following are good goals for social media:

  • Boost the recognition of your brand
  • Increase website traffic
  • Produce leads
  • Expand your viewership
  • Boost involvement

Your goals will tell you how to do things and give you a way to measure your progress. Focus on specific goals instead of broad ones, like making more money or increasing sales by a certain percentage. Instead of trying to get more people to visit your website, for example, set a monthly goal of a 5% rise in traffic, or get 10,000 visits each month by December.

Make SMART goals

It helps to make SMART goals: 

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Using the SMART framework, you can monitor your goals, ensure they are feasible, and ensure they are relevant to your overarching business objectives. Above all, there is a temporal restriction. This will make it more likely that you will succeed in achieving your objectives.

Select the Most Appropriate Social Media Metrics

You can track your progress toward your SMART goals by linking them to metrics. Data-driven strategies should always guide your social media analytics. You can monitor the effectiveness of your plan and ensure that you’re meeting your goals by matching your objectives to the most relevant metrics.

Select the most appropriate social media metrics

Here is a brief summary of the social media metrics that matter:

  • Clicks: How many people on social media clicked to visit your website?
  • Reach: How many followers on social media click on your post?
  • Sentiment: How does the audience react to your brand?
  • Engagement: The quantity or frequency of people who follow, like, and share your posts.
  • Follower count: The number of followers your campaign garners.
  • Video views: The number of times a person watches a video.
  • Impressions: How many times do people see your content?
  • Conversion rate: The proportion of visitors who complete a desired action, such as buying something or adding themselves to your email list.
  • Brand mentions: The frequency with which users bring up your brand.

2. Understand your social media audience

Without a target audience, social media marketing is difficult or impossible. Thus, you must understand audience demographics. Identifying your target demographic helps you generate effective social media marketing and content.

Develop buyer personas, or profiles, that match your target market to be more specific. This requires considering demographics like:

  • Gen Z: Gen Z accounts for 40% of global consumer purchasing and is increasing wealthy as they become older. They spend differently than previous generations. They prefer authenticity to celebrity, appreciate customer service, and research on smart technologies. Thus, Gen Z social media marketing has a high ROI.
  • Gen X: Gen Xers still offer a plethora of opportunities for businesses, with over half stating they bought an item after seeing it advertised on social media, and 51% of them having made at least one purchase through social media.
  • Millennials: Teenagers and young adults still use social networks, but not as often as younger people do. Still, this group has the most adults and spends the most money in the US. Millennials are known for how easy it is for them to shop online, how they value experiences over things, how much they love subscription services, and how carefully they plan their spending.

After identifying your audience’s age, consider gender, income, occupation, interests, and hobbies.

3. Analyze the competition

The world is full of competitors, but you can’t outperform them if you don’t know who they are and what they’re doing. To improve your effective social media strategy, you should conduct a competitor analysis.

Analyze the competition

Look up competitor terms using industry terms, valuable keywords, and relevant phrases. Next, check their social media. Check their hashtags, content, frequency, messaging, and follower engagement. Use this data to strengthen your social media marketing strategy.

4. Select the right social media platform

There is no one right way to market on social media, and there are many different social media management platforms available. Whichever option you decide on, getting verified is a smart idea, as it can quickly boost customer confidence. You should consider using different social media platforms to promote engaging social media content:

  • Facebook: With nearly 3 billion users, Facebook is one of the biggest and oldest social media networks, and it exists for a purpose. Great advertisements, video connections, and chatbot capability on Facebook may boost your social media marketing and customer service. It also benefits physical businesses. For local clientele, use reviews and check-ins to promote your business.
  • X: X (formerly Twitter) is easier to start up than Facebook and Instagram. X encourages more conversation than other platforms, making it excellent for social media customer support. Market to nearly half a billion monthly active X users who spend 31 minutes on the platform. Hashtags help people find your content.
  • Instagram: Instagram is another popular social media marketing platform with 3 billion active users and 1.4 billion by 2024. Visual media need appealing photos, graphics, and videos to succeed. Instagram attracts younger consumers for product advertising and influencer connections. In-app shopping attracts firms to Instagram.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn lets professionals network and follow industry trends, while Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok are for casual content. 4/5 users make business decisions. This suits B2B firms.
  • TikTok: TikTok is young yet growing fast. This fast-growing social media platform contains influencer partnerships and videos. TikTok videos affect 78% of shoppers. Relevant content is possible using TikTok’s algorithm. According to study, 73% of TikTok users connect with brands. TikTok is 2023’s second-most likely platform for corporate growth after Instagram.

Remember to consider your target audience when making your choice. Focus your efforts on the platforms that are relevant to your target market, industry, and goals. Reaching a diverse audience with a well-thought-out multi-channel approach can be very effective if you’re targeting a large demographic.

5. Build a social media content calendar and fix the best times to post on social media

Like many other things, time and sticking with something are key to success. Making a social media content schedule and planning regular posts is necessary. This helps with daily postings and campaign management. Post at times when people are most likely to interact for optimal outcomes.

Many sources advise posting late at night, but it also depends on the platform and audience. Global Facebook engagement peaks between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. You might want to set your sights for a different time if your team isn’t available and prepared to respond to inquiries and interact. Additionally, you must find a balance between posting too little and too much.

Build a social media content calendar

If you post too little, people may wonder why they are following you in the first place, and you will not get the results you desire.  Conversely, posting too much might irritate your followers. Post three to seven times a week on Instagram, two times a day on Facebook, and five times a day on LinkedIn. It’s important to post an appropriate variety of content.

You might want to use the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent of your posts should be ads, and the other eighty percent should teach, entertain, or inform your readers. Use the rule of thirds instead. One-third of your content should attract new users and promote your brand. Another third should be used to share content from industry leaders, and the last third for direct connection with followers.

6. Produce the best social content

A large social media user base implies a large business base. Your company must stand out with a unique value and iconic brand. Let’s examine some visually stunning and instructional social media content for inspiration.

  • Videos: Videos are increasingly popular and engaging. Consider short Instagram or TikTok videos. Longer films engage 2.5 times more than shorter ones.
  • Images: The appropriate image can instantly grab a user’s attention and stop them. This applies especially to Instagram and other visual media.
  • Infographics: Infographics are attractive and informational, making them ideal for social media. Avoid overusing words in your text.
  • Blog posts: Blogs may educate people and establish your expertise. Write on anything your readers want to know, from business news to tutorials.
  • Collaborations: Collaboration with other companies or people can increase your audience and chances. You can use your resources, skills, and expertise to attain goals and build something beautiful for everyone.

Be mindful of your tone when posting anything. Whether you choose a serious, lighthearted, formal, or humorous tone, be sure it conveys the essence of your brand.

7. Use social media management tools

After choosing your audience, timeline, and content, the job continues. Social media marketing tools can aid with content, interaction, and performance analysis. This is so that they can assist marketers with publishing, engagement, analytics, and listening.

Use social media management tools

Best-in-class tools also facilitate both paid and organic interactions across multiple social media channels, giving you and your team the ability to monitor and manage everything from one central location. These tools can help you schedule content for all of your accounts and channels at the appropriate times, in addition to serving as effective marketing publishing tools.

The global calendar shows all scheduled advertisements and organic posts with campaign and company context. They can also greatly affect engagement. These solutions let you grow your interactions and manage your social campaigns and conversations in real time from a single dashboard, so you never miss a consumer engagement opportunity.

8. Advertise Your Social Channels

You still need to build your initial following, even though quality content will eventually sell your social media channels. Before they can decide to follow you, they must locate your channels. There are several ways to promote your channels, some more overt than others. All of your social media accounts should have buttons on your website, whether in the footer, on the About and Communications pages, or even on the home page.

Advertise Your Social Channels

If you have an email list, you should link to your social media accounts in the emails and newsletters you send out. All of your emails have a footer where you can easily add buttons to your social media accounts. Naturally, you can also advertise your social media accounts offline. Incorporate them into your vintage advertisements and store signage.

A lot of businesses cross-promote on social media. YouTube can be promoted on Twitter. YouTube channels commonly link to their social media accounts. Use customized social media marketing to increase brand exposure and followers.

9. Engage social audience with your content

More than content is needed to build and sustain an audience. This involves honest involvement with followers, lively debate, and rapid responses to queries and comments.

Social media network

Connect to demonstrate brand transparency and establish community. Engaging with your audience helps you build relationships, understand their requirements, and expand your business.

10. Employ social media listening

Sharing your social media voice requires collaboration. Social media listening and monitoring can disclose brand, product, and competitor sentiment. Knowing this, you can develop more compelling content. You may improve your services and approaches by adapting to how your audience views your content.

Employ social media listening

Social media listening can help you build true interactions with followers. Social media listening can help you spot fake accounts and address brand issues and mistakes.

Watch for brand references, complaints, praise, industry changes, and important hashtags and keywords. Consider following or joining Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google discussion groups.

11. Evaluate the performance of your content and accounts

Your social media strategy is ongoing. After building accounts and publishing content, you must regularly track and assess their efficacy. Regularly evaluate your accounts and content.

performance of your content and accounts

This can help you collect data to determine if your social media marketing approach is working or if you need to make changes. Focus on your KPIs, but don’t be hesitant to shift course if they don’t tell the complete story.

12. Stay current and keep evolving

The world of social media is dynamic and ever-changing. Every time you think you understand one algorithm, a new one appears, and new updates are released on a regular basis. What used to work may not work now that younger generations have greater purchasing power.

Furthermore, consumer trends on social media are constantly changing. You must follow the latest algorithms, best practices, upgrades, and trends. No social media marketing strategy should be stagnant. Be adaptable and change your plan to stay on track.

13. Review and adjust your social media strategy

Test and analyze your content, campaigns, and strategy. Avoid starting over with a new social media marketing plan by making little modifications and using data to make decisions.

If your current strategy doesn’t meet your goals, continue the process with your next campaign using the data you collected. You may design a great social media marketing strategy by carefully considering your possibilities and making multiple modifications.

14. Use chatbots as part of your social media strategies

If you use Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp to communicate with fans, consider a chatbot. These can assist you in resolving issues for your current or potential clients without requiring human intervention.

Use chatbots

The fact that a chatbot will give your customers a clever assistant that can converse with them almost like a human consultant and gradually start to learn about your customers and the products they are interested in may be the biggest advantage of all.

If the idea of utilizing a chatbot scares you, you don’t have to hire an expensive development team or have any coding experience. For a monthly charge, you can incorporate a number of current chatbots into your social media accounts.

Useful social media marketing resources

Many social media marketing resources can help you create a business social media plan. Let’s examine some great options.

Social media marketing training and courses

If you think obtaining a degree in social media marketing is essential for your particular line of work, here are two options.

1. Obtain a certificate from the company

Getting a certificate makes studying social media marketing easy and fast. Free HubSpot social media certification training may increase conversions and engagement. Learn to strategize, grow your following, and calculate social media ROI. You can also obtain certifications on LinkedIn Learning and display them on your profile.

2. Take advantage of YouTube University

There is an abundance of educational content on YouTube. A quick search yields hundreds of long-form videos offering in-depth courses on social media marketing. It’s true that you cannot communicate with a real educator. But before you enroll in a paid course, it can be a wonderful place to start because it’s free.

Social Media Marketing Books

Another excellent method to learn more about social media marketing is to read pertinent content about it.

Create your own social media marketing strategy today!

A good social media presence takes time and labor, but your brand will flourish if you use the correct resources, are persistent and patient, and are willing to adjusting your approach based on data and feedback. Not sure what instrument to use? Our goal is to help. Ready to learn how we can improve your social media marketing? Request a demo now!