Mastering Google Ads Portfolio Bid Strategies: Tips, Tricks, and Success Stories

Google AdWords has been a very useful business tool since october 2000. Digital marketers can’t do their jobs without it to reach their target audience, raise knowledge of their brand and boost sales.

But if you just run ads without a clear strategy or an optimized game plan, your campaign will probably not get the results you want.

It’s not enough to just sit back and hope for more sales. Advanced Google Ad Management is what you need to really get the most out of Google Ads for your business and help you stand out in a crowded market.

What Is a Google Ads Bid?

Google Ads bid is the amount ready to pay for a click on your ad. The price is important for searching where the ad showcases on the page. This page is also known as placement. 

Better ad placement has a large effect on ad performance. This can lead to an increase in clicks, traffic, and business growth. 

Top 5 Google Ads bidding strategies

Here are the 5 most popular strategies to adjust your bids and improve the performance of your campaigns.

1. Target CPA (cost per acquisition)

Google Ads portfolio bid strategies

The targeted CPA needs to be checked. This is usually the best way to go when you want to reach your goals and get leads. Some good things about CPA bids are:

  • You can set your campaigns to automatically aim for results (like signups, app downloads, etc.) that fit your daily budget.
  • The program will use your tracking data on conversions to get you more conversions at a lower cost and keep you from clicking on links that won’t make you money.

The bidding plan requires a huge budget. To ensure that enough money is kept aside to get the information to improve. 

2. Target ROAS (return on ad spend)

The return on the ad spend is one of the bidding techniques. Campaigns can work in a better way. Advertisers tell Google how much money they need to make from the ads. Google also changed the bids based on whether the ad hit the goal. 

Target ROAS return on ad spend

Remember that you can only see your target ROAS after your campaign has hit a certain number of conversions:

  • 15 Google Display Network ads in the last 30 days
  • 10 dollars a day for app ads
  • 75 sales from discovery ads in the last 30 days
  • 30 sales for video action ads in the last 30 days

3. Maximize conversions

It aims to increase conversions by bidding. To get the required conversions within the marketing budget. Bids are changed according to the algorithms. The clicks lead to an increase in sales. 

Maximize conversions

An increase in the conversion rate for ads is a good choice. The Google Ads algorithm tries to reach people who are likely to buy. 

4. Maximize conversion value

The goal of this strategy is to get the best conversion value possible for the money spent on the campaign. To clarify, this is not the same as maximizing conversions because it aims for conversion value instead of the number of conversions.

Maximize conversion value for bidding

Google will now aim for people who are likely to buy important things instead of people who are likely to buy things. When you use this approach, be careful because Google could charge more for ads than you planned, the cost of a conversion could go up, and your return on ad spend (ROAS) could go down.

5. Maximize clicks

Your goal with this plan is to get as many ad clicks as you can within your marketing budget. This is a great bid choice to use if you have a good conversion rate and want to reach new people or gather more information.

Maximize clicks

It is a good way to increase traffic on the website. If you choose to bid, the clicks may not always be valuable. So, keep checking on conversion rates and return on ad spend. 

8 tips for Google Ads bidding to get you started

Want to make sure your Google Ads bids are spot on? Here are some tips to keep in mind before you set your bidding strategy:

1. Use bidding automation rules

Use bidding automation rules

Automated bids are easier to implement. To run the projects successfully. A rule can be made for raising or lowering the bids according to the ad’s performance, search words, etc. 

2. Bidding adjustments

Small changes can be made to various factors. Bids can be changed to increase your ad’s visibility. 

3. Use bidding scripts

Use bidding scripts

The use of bidding scripts is useful. It is a short piece of code that allows you to change and take control of lots of bids at one time. Thousands of bids can be changed. 

Use seasonal trends in ads to get the most out of them. Like during festivals, bids can be changed to reach more people searching for gifts online. 

5. A/B tests different keywords and offers

AB tests different keywords and offers

Since you can’t see into the future, the best thing you can do is A/B test keywords to see which ones help your business the most. Make sure that the information you collect is useful for statistics.

6. Bid on branded keywords

Create a bid on branded keywords. It can be a good way to create brand awareness among people and help in search engine optimization. 

7. Use portfolio bidding

Use portfolio bidding

With the help of a Google Ads portfolio, a bidding strategy can be created. It is a good way to keep checking on various campaign bids at the same time. Portfolio goals help keep track of the campaign group. 

8. Use remarketing lists (RSLA)

The remarketing list includes the targeted audience that has used your website and app. So, if you know about visitors visiting your website, then bids can be raised on a few ads.  


There are many ways to bid, and the best one(s) for your effort will depend on its goals and how well it does. Once these two things are in order, you can try different things and change how you price them based on what you find.

Google Ads doesn’t have a set recipe or approach; you have to try things out and see what works. That’s why you need a top-notch Google Ads expert on your side who can help you get the best results without spending all your free time.