Case Study : Real Estate Lead Generation πŸ‘πŸ“ˆ

Our client is a big name in the real estate business, and they specialize in both residential and industrial properties. The company has built a strong name for providing its clients with excellent service and high-quality properties over the course of twenty years.

The main goal of the project was to change the way the client generates leads so that they could get a lot more of them while still keeping high standards for lead quality.


Market Competition That’s Too Tough: The real estate business is very competitive, with many companies trying to get the attention of people who want to buy or sell homes. It was hard for our client to set themselves apart from competitors and get a bigger piece of the market.

Limited Online Visibility: The client had a well-designed website, but it didn’t get much direct traffic and was ranked poorly in search engines. This made it much harder for them to find possible clients who were looking for homes online, which hurt their efforts to get new leads.

Techniques for generating leads that don’t work πŸ“‰πŸ’Ό: The client’s current methods for getting leads were out of date and not working well. They used a lot of old-fashioned ways, which led to bad leads and a high cost per acquisition. It was very important to have a current, data-driven way to get leads.


Together with SwiftPropel, the client put in place a comprehensive digital marketing plan to solve their problem of getting new leads.

Plan for SEO:

In-depth keyword research and optimization οΈπŸ“: SwiftPropel did a lot of study on keywords to find high-intent keywords that were relevant to the real estate business. These terms were carefully added to the client’s website’s content, meta tags, and titles to make it more visible in search engines and bring in free traffic.

Content Creation and Marketing πŸ“šπŸ–‹οΈ: A strong content marketing plan was made to make interesting and useful content for the client’s target group. This included blog posts, articles, maps, and guides with information on things like how to buy a house, market trends, and profiles of neighborhoods. By giving useful information, the client hoped to become known as an expert in real estate and bring in possible leads.

Plan for marketing on social media:

Picking the right platform and planning your content strategically πŸ“ŠπŸ“‰: SwiftPropel found the best social media sites for the client’s target audience, which included Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Custom content calendars were made to make sure that posting times were constant and that there was a wide range of content types, such as property listings, client testimonials, behind-the-scenes looks, and updates on industry news.

Campaigns for targeted advertising πŸŽ―πŸ“’: SwiftPropel created very specific ad campaigns to reach people with certain demographics, hobbies, and behaviors by using the advanced targeting features of social media advertising platforms. The main goals of these efforts were to get people to visit the client’s websites and find potential buyers.

How to Use Google Ads:

Smart keyword research and ad copy optimization πŸ–₯πŸ“: SwiftPropel did a lot of study on keywords to find relevant search terms that had a strong business intent. Based on this study, specific Google Ads campaigns were made to reach people who are actively looking for homes for sale. Carefully written ad copy was used to show the client’s unique selling points and get people to click through.

Continuously improving campaigns and keeping an eye on how they’re doing πŸ“ˆπŸ: SwiftPropel kept an eye on how well Google Ads efforts were doing by looking at important metrics like cost per acquisition, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By using insights from the data, changes were made to improve the performance of the marketing and raise the ROI.


A big rise in the number of leads being generated πŸ’€πŸ“ˆ: Within six months of starting the new digital marketing plan, the client saw a huge 55% rise in lead creation compared to the previous time period. Along with this rise, the quality of the leads got a lot better, which led to a higher turn rate and more money coming in.

Better brand recognition and online visibility πŸŒŸπŸ‘€: The website of our client saw a big jump in its search engine rankings, which led to more organic traffic and exposure. Their social media presence also grew a lot, with more people engaging with them and more people following them on various platforms.

Better cost-effectiveness and efficiency πŸ’»πŸ―: When digital marketing tactics that are based on data were used, lead generation became more efficient. This meant that the client paid less per acquisition. By moving resources from old-fashioned marketing platforms to new digital ones, the client got a better overall return on investment (ROI) and lower overall costs.

Growth and sustainability over the long run πŸŒ±πŸ’‘: The client set themselves up for long-term growth and success in the competitive real estate market by putting the digital marketing plan into action well. The client got a competitive edge and solidified their position as a market leader by becoming a leader in digital marketing innovation in their field.


The work that our client and SwiftPropel did together shows how digital marketing can change things to help real estate businesses grow and be successful. By using SEO, social media marketing, and Google Ads all together, the client was able to get 55% more leads, improve their online exposure, get better leads, and save money at the same time. To do well in today’s competitive market, this case study shows how important it is to embrace digital innovation and use data-driven tactics.