Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Industry

Apart from busy schedules and lazy excuses, the present generation prefers using the internet first to churn out all the information and options about the real estate listings that suit their requirements the best. The internet provides the access to hundreds of real estate portals where one can shortlist the suitable properties on the basis of budget, accommodation, and proximity to nearest basic amenities.

Real Estate and the Importance of Digital Marketing

  • Digital marketing Strategies for real estate is very cost-friendly.
  • With the help of digital marketing, developers can reach the target audience in less time while creating an impressive and lasting impact.
  • On the internet, developers get tools, ideas, and the even the list of the potential home buyers.
  • Since most of the people hunt houses online, it has become a platform for the home buyers and sellers to get what they need in just one click.
  • When compared to the print and on-air media, the digital media marketing proves out to be the best of all.
  • It does almost the same work in less than half of the total cost while generating quick revenues.

Digital Marketing for Real Estate: Statistics

  • 80% of all home buyers are searching online
  • 83% of home buyers see pictures of the property online
  • 52% of the prospects used an iPhone in their home search
  • 49% of the leads come via referrals
  • Social media used by 91% of realtors
  • 33% of the buyers buying for the first time are researching online

Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Industry

Develop an Email Campaign

  • No matter the industry, an email nurture campaign is a valuable tool in connecting with new leads and staying relevant with past clients.
  • Ideally, a well-rounded campaign will funnel potential clients through predetermined actions based on their buyer profile and previous engagements with you.
  • According to Smart Insights, the average open rate of emails for real estate businesses is around 27% with a click-through rate (CTR) of 3%.
  • However, the more relevant your content is to a client, the more likely they will be interested in opening the email to see what you have to say.

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Keep An Eye On The Competition

  • What are other realtors in your area doing? What do their websites look like? How active are they on social media?
  • Take note of what competitors are doing – then avoid their mistakes and replicate their success!

Make Use of Local Images

  • In many ways, you’re not just selling a house; you’re selling a whole town or area.
  • Showcase the best that your area has to offer, with high-quality, beautiful photos of local town landmarks and familiar sites.

Build Your Google My Business Page

  • Google My Business is the latest in Google location-based pages.
  • If you’re feeling confused, don’t worry – it’s basically the same idea as Google Places for Businesses and Google+ Pages.
  • Setting up a Google My Business account makes it easy for users to find you in Google Search, Google Maps, and Google+.

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Host Free Seminars For Home Buyers

  • Make yourself and your knowledge available to the community by hosting mini-seminars. Consider providing a basic 101 seminar about the basics of home buying and mortgages.
  • Remember, marketing today is all about inbound, and that doesn’t just apply online.
  • Users want you to share some of your knowledge for free before investing time and money in you.
  • A home buying seminar is the local equivalent of a webinar. Yes, it will take time and energy, but attendees will walk away impressed and will have established a relationship with you. That relationship will be worth its weight in gold when they’re ready to shop for a home.

Make Your Site Easy to Navigate

  • All the great property pages in the world won’t mean much if your site is a nightmare to navigate.
  • Your visitors need to have a good experience on your website, so take the time to brush up on user experience design skills and information architecture.

Target all search engines

  • As of now, we only think Google as a credible search engine, but studies show that Bing and Yahoo maintained a steady search market share.
  • Therefore, it is important to incorporate all three platforms to get the full picture.

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LinkedIn will be bigger

  • It is a virtual professional networking platform that helps on sharing resumes with professionals throughout an industry.
  • How is LinkedIn useful for real estate? For home buyers, one can get a full picture of your credentials if they wish to purchase something.
  • We all like transparency in operation, and LinkedIn makes it easy. Therefore, it has expanded its easy-to-use interface and page analytics.

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Live-streaming apps are a must

  • Who doesn’t know how important videos are today. Periscope, a live-streaming app by Twitter should be on the checklist of real estate industry.
  • It has let anyone to film any event they want. This is what is required for an open house!
  • Periscope helps consumers to still have the opportunity to consider the home for a purchase even if they weren’t able to make it.

Get Busy On Twitter

  • Besides publishing updates (tweets), Twitter offers several marketing tools, including the ability to showcase specific content from your site, embed multiple images in a tweet, and even capture email addresses directly from an ad you run on twitter.
  • Use these tools to share new ideas, events, and property updates with your customers and prospects and to continue growing your network in 2019.

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Help Your Customers Through Your Blog– ‘Answer them’

  • In any high-valued product selling, providing in-depth details helps better and informed purchase decision.
  • Therefore, in real estate digital marketing, the blog is at the core to create interest, engage, convince and eventually convert the incoming traffic.

Real Estate Video Marketing

  • People researching online for real estate properties often look for tangibility in the shape of content – web content, blog, image, infographics, VIDEO etc.
  • We found that by watching the product video more than 80 percent of viewers are more likely to buy.
  • In real estate marketing in India, when there’s a trust deficit even in well-known developers, it becomes important to brand identity and loyalty by offering tangibility to prospects in the shape of videos of the properties.
  • Video production for online marketing and video marketing is excessively cheaper in comparison to other Television commercials, moreover, with video marketing, you reach your target audience easily and with a higher conversion rate.
  • There is a type of video production you do for your brand that can be for website, blog, social media and other platforms for varied purposes – branding, awareness, sales etc.

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Fact Check
Study found that by watching the product video more than 80 percent of viewers are more likely to buy.

Share real estate updates

  • Give property searchers a reason to stay connected with you via social profiles.
  • Share posts about new real estate projects, market performance, statistics, and valuation tools that can help in making better real estate decision.
  • Such ideas can work magic for your real estate internet marketing.

Use hashtags & important search phrases

  • Hashtags are a great way to target particular groups and become part of bigger conversations.
  • Use combination of trending, branded, location specific and basic hashtags to get better response.
  • While hashtags work effectively on Twitter, Facebook & Tumblr, use relevant search phrases in blog posts to make them appear in search results.

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Optimize Content for Voice Search

  • For any realtor out there that is blogging or wants to start a blog.
  • We suggest they not only optimize for short keyword SEO, but also long tail keyword searches.
  • With Google predicting over 50% of searches in 2020 to be by voice. If you can, start optimizing your content for voice searches now. You will see the results down the line.

Fact Check
Google predicting over 50% of searches in 2020 to be by voice.

Start a Community-Focused Real Estate Podcast

  • Real estate agents should implement a community focused podcast in 2019.
  • There is a skyrocketing number of people listening to podcasts and the stats indicate that regular podcast listeners have a higher level of affluence.
  • Most are deterred by the sheer number of podcasts already available, however, you are not competing with most podcasts; you are only after a local audience.
  • In 2019 and beyond, we expect audio to continue to grow at a rapid rate.

Create a Facebook Group & Participate in Local Groups

  • With the new feature to link Facebook Groups to a Facebook Page, you can offer even more personalized services to clients.
  • Using Facebook Groups is a good way to navigate around the Facebook algorithm.
  • Ideally, clients would be able to post in the Group and help each other through the selling or buying process.

Real estate digital marketing isn’t unlike other industries. But it definitely comes with some of its own quirks. Your digital marketing goals should revolve around establishing an online presence. The only way to get all of this going is to start today! We offer a variety of services to help you establish yourself online, as well as services tailored specifically for real estate. Your future self will thank you.

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google mortgage box 1

Google has a new search feature for searches related to mortgages. While Google had mortgage calculators and tools for a while, those featured only came up for specific and exact queries. Now, Google has a much wider search feature box that gives you a lot more on mortgages. Google “collaborated with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to create a new mobile experience in search.”